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Ethical Trading

Respect for suppliers and customers

We are committed to carrying out our business ethically and with respect for the rights and interests of our suppliers and customers.

Our Responsible Sourcing Policy is available here.

As well as a set of environmental standards, Allied Bakeries Ethical Trading Code incorporates the requirements of the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code. All our suppliers are asked to sign up to our Ethical Trading Code, which is an integral part of our supplier approval process.

We take fair trade and fair competition very seriously - all our sales team, along with anyone else who comes into contact with either customers or competitors, are fully briefed in competition law and the GSCOP | Groceries Supply Code of Practice, and undergo regular refresher training.

We are proud to have signed up to The Prompt Payment Code as it recognises the importance of Allied Bakeries behaving in an ethical manner towards its suppliers.

Deforestation: Allied Bakeries recognises that deforestation and the loss of High Conservation Value Areas (HCVAs) presents real challenges, both now and in the future. We also recognise the damaging impact of biodiversity loss. We understand that meaningful change in the way that organisations source raw materials is required to tackle these issues. To that end, Allied Bakeries supports the principles of the New York Declaration on Forests and of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 (Life on Land).

Allied Bakeries is committed to responsibly sourcing the palm oil that we use and as part of Associated British Foods, we are a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

All of our ingredients that contain palm oil and derivatives are sustainably sourced from accredited RSPO suppliers. Our total palm usage is around 500 tonnes a year and we use only 100% RSPO certified segregated sustainable palm oil, while our palm derivatives are sourced solely from RSPO certified sustainable physical supply chains i.e. IP, segregated and mass balanced sources, with the preference being to use segregated or IP wherever possible.

The soya flour we use is sourced from Europe and Canada. We never buy from growers who use deforested land and none of our soya flour is genetically modified.

We believe in open and honest dealing inside and outside our business and provide a whistleblowing mechanism for any interested party to flag concerns or issues to an independent third party.